LinguaPhone - Learn a foreign language
TEFL - Learn to teach English as a Foreign Language
CAREER - Hotel, restaurant and bar job opportunities in the UK - Catering and hotel jobs around the globe
Freelance Work Exchange - Freelance and homeworking opportunities
Gumtree - 1000's of job adverts
Salestarget - Large selection of sales jobs
Simply Volunteer - Volunteer projects (including sports coaching) from 4 to 12 weeks spanning four continents
CWJobs - Advertise your vacancy on specialist IT job board
Totaljobs - Advertise your recruitment opportunities online
Workthing - Post your job vacancies online
Aid-Pack - Packaging products and supplies
American Express Business Gold Card - International business charge card
Euroffice - Office supplies, desktop accessories, business machines, furniture, business cards and flowers
Key Solutions - Industrial and commercial equipment
Parcel2Go - Next day UK and international parcel delivery service from DHL
Pitney Bowes - Business products, software and services covering every step of the mail and document chain
Post-it - Create and order your own personalised post-it notes
Ryman - Extensive selection of stationery and office supplies
Staples - Office supplies, furniture and technology
Viking Direct - Office supplies
Vista Papers - Predesigned stationery, brochure printing, office stationery and stationery supplies
VistaPrint - Business cards and other business stationery
The Wall Street Journal Europe - European edition of North America's leading financial and business newspaper