Jul 14: Minnesota Distance Classic @ Minneapolis MN [36]
w5000 4 Michelle Brooks (77) 16:35.0
Jul 7: New Balance Maine Distance Festival @ Brunswick ME [25]
w800 1r1 Danielle Thornal (75, Nike) 2:06.72
Jun 30: Boston High Performance Series #5 @ Waltham (HS) MA [25]
w800 4r1 Thornal 2:07.05
Jun 30: World Scholar Athlete Games @ Wood River Junction RI [25]
200 5 Daniel Friel (NIR) 24.64
400 4 Friel 56.31
800 2 Barry McLaughlin (NIR) 2:11.34
LJ 6 McLaughlin 4.99
TJ 3 McLaughlin 11.27
4x100 1 Yellow (3rd leg Friel) 45.49, 4 Orange (3rd leg McLaughlin) 47.77
w100 5r2 Fiona McMenemy (NIR) 22.09
w3000 2 Claire McCorry (NIR) 12:51.75
wSP 9 McCorry 5.10
Jun 13: Holmdel International Meeting @ Holmdel NJ [24]
w400 3 Sharon Allen (68, Shore AC) 56.0
w800 2 Thornal 2:08.6
Jun 9: Peregrine Systems US Track & Field Open/IAAF Grand Prix I @ Stanford CA [23]
800 9 James McIlroy (76) 1:49.47
DT 9 Robert Weir (61) 60.67 (57.42,57.33,60.67,x,59.03,x)
w1500 8 Kathy Butler (73, New Balance TC) 4:12.08 [UKAT 50th]
w400H 1 Natasha Danvers (77, HSI/Nike) 55.37
Jun 9: Boston High Performance Series #4 @ Waltham (HS) MA [23]
3000 - Justin Reid (69, Westchester Puma TC) DNF, - Ben Noad (76, Boston Athletic Association) DNS
Jun 8-9: USATF New Jersey Open Championships @ Upper Montclair NJ [24]
w100 4 Allen 12.38w?
w200 3 Allen 25.03w?
Jun 2: Los Angeles (?) CA (from AW v55n26p28) [24]
w400H 1 Danvers 56.56
Jun 2: Boston High Performance Series #3 @ Waltham (HS) MA [22]
5000 2 Noad 14:11.40, 15 J. Reid 14:53.82
10000 3 Malcolm Campbell (71, Atlanta TC) 29:53.66
w800 2rA Thornal 2:06.55
w1500 - Thornal DNS
May 30-Jun 2: NCAA Division I Championships @ Eugene OR [22]
10000 {30} 11 Adam Sutton (81) 30:02.59
w1500 {2} 11 Rachel Felton (79) 4:31.54 (2h2 {31} 4:19.49)
w5000 {2} 22 Gillian Palmer (80) 16:40.76
w10000 {31} 7 Charlotte Sanderson (79) 34:53.85
w3000SC {30} 10h1 Lois Joslin (79) 11:12.20
wPV {1} 15= Rhian Clarke (77) 3.75 (3.75-xxo,3.90-xxx)
wHept {1/2} 10 Katherine Livesey (79) 5375 (1H5-14.17/-2.7,3=H-1.73,22H-10.14,2H4-25.11/-1.2,10H-5.75/0.0,17H-31.56,6H2-2:19.22)
May 27: Prefontaine Classic/IAAF Grand Prix I @ Eugene OR [21]
800 - McIlroy DNF
5000 - Kark Keska (72) DNS
w3000 2 Butler 8:46.01 [UKAT 11th]
May 26: Northeastern University Husky Twilight Meeting #2 @ Dedham MA [21]
w800 1 Thornal 2:08.25
May 22: Hartnell College Throwers Meeting @ Salinas CA [22]
DT 6 Weir 61.35 [GBR V40 Best]
May 19-20: Pac-10 Conference Championships @ Berkeley CA [20]
w1500 {20} 7 Palmer 4:24.62
May 19: Boston High Performance Series #1 @ Waltham (HS) MA [23]
3000 - Noad DNF (Pacemaker)
May 18-19: Adidas Houston Invitational @ Houston (TT) TX [20]
w200 {19} 3rA Lesley Owusu (78) 23.76w/+2.6
w400 {19} 2 Owusu 52.49 [UKAT 28th]
wPV {19} 2 Clarke 3.85
May 18: Louisiana State University Last Chance Meeting @ Baton Rouge LA [21]
w3000SC - Joslin DNF/DNS?
May 17-20: Championship Meeting of the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes' of America @ Princeton NJ [20]
800 {19} 5h3 Alasdair McLean-Foreman (81) 1:50.54
5000 {18} 7 Sutton 14:03.61, 11 Graeme Reid (79) 14:08.60
May 17-20: Eastern College Athletics Conference Championships @ Princeton NJ [20]
w1500 {20} 1 Felton 4:23.67 (2h2 {19} 4:24.18)
May 17-19: Georgia Tech Invitational @ Atlanta (G) GA [20]
1500 {18} 3r2 Michael Green (76) 3:49.27, 9r2 Campbell 3:52.33, 11r2 Nathan Dosanjh (79) 3:55.73
w400 {19} 4r3 Roseline Addo (80) 55.30
w1500 {18} -r2 Joslin DNS/DNF?
May 17-19: Mid-American Conference Championships @ Oxford OH [20]
800 {19} 5 Neil Kirk (78) 1:52.95 (2h3 {18} 1:52.11)
1500 {19} 3 Kirk 3:50.21 (3h1 {18} 3:56.13)
May 16-19: Big 12 Conference Championships @ College Station TX [42]
800 {18} 5h4 Matt Thomson (81) 1:52.70
wHJ {19} 6= Livesey 1.71
wLJ {18} 11 Livesey 5.91w/+5.0
wHept {16/17} 3 Livesey 5554 [UKAT 25th] (1H3-13.80w/+3.6,2H-1.75,8H-11.13,1H2-24.33w/+3.4,6H-5.69w/+3.6,8H-31.14,4H-2:19.97)
May 16-19: Western Athletic Conference Championships @ Fresno CA [20]
w5000 {19} 3 Sanderson 17:04.26
w10000 {18} 2 Sanderson 35:57.84
May 16-19: Big West Conference Championships @ Long Beach CA [20]
w5000 {19} 18 Jessica Draskau-Petersson (77) 18:32.72
w10000 {18} 5 Draskau-Petersson 37:59.94
May 16-19: Big Sky Conference Championships @ Pocatello ID [20]
w1500 {19} 5 Susie Rutherford (79) 4:36.64A
w5000 {19} 3 Rutherford 17:33.28A
May 16-19: Missouri Valley Conference Championships @ Terre Haute IN [20]
400 {19} 4 Ian Lowthian (80) 47.92 (1h2 {18} 48.26)
May 13: Orange and Purple Classic @ Clemson SC [19]
w400 6 Addo 55.50
May 13: Cardinal Qualifier @ Stanford CA [20]
5000 - Kevin Farrow (75) DNS, - Green DNS
DT 4 Weir 56.94
w5000 8 Rutherford 16:42.83
wPV 2 Irie Hill (69) 3.90
May 12-14: Southland Conference Championships @ Arlington TX [33]
800 {14} 2 David Gow (79) 1:51.80 (2h2 {13} 1:51.78)
w1500 {13} ?h? Annie Bolton 4:54.16
May 12: Oregon Twilight Meeting @ Eugene OR [19]
w5000 8 Palmer 16:10.94
May 12: Nebraska Twilight Meeting @ Lincoln NE [19]
w100 1r1 Livesey 12.21/+1.7, 2r2 Owusu 11.93w/+2.7
w200 1r2 Owusu 23.86/+0.6 [UKAT 87th]
wSP 8 Livesey 10.54
May 12: Occidental Invitational @ Los Angeles (ER) CA [19]
100 1rA Doug Bignall (74) 10.39w?
w800 - Tanya Blake (71) DNS
May 12: Badger Invitational @ Madison WI [20]
w5000 1 Butler 15:14.62 [UKAT 10th]
May 12: Modesto Relays @ Modesto CA [19]
PV 5cA Paul Williamson (74) 5.30, -cA Nick Buckfield (73) DNS, -cB Ben Flint (78) DNS
DT 7 Glen Smith (72) 58.37
w400H ?r2 Danvers not reported
wPV 12=cA Hill 3.80, -cA Lucy Webber (72) DNS
wDT 7 Rebecca Roles (79) 49.25
May 11-12: Len Paddock Invitational @ Ann Arbor MI [20]
1500 {11} 2r1 Kirk 3:46.89
May 11-12: GST Open/Princeton Invitational @ Princeton NJ [19]
800 {12} 1r3 McLean-Foreman (81) 1:49.84
1500 {12} 9r3 J. Reid 4:01.34
w400 {12} 3 Allen 55.58
w1M {12} 4 Catherine Berry (75, Asics/Tri Cities TC) 4:38.28 [UKAT 52nd], 7 Thornal 4:42.67
May 11-12: California Collegiate Athletic Association Championships @ San Francisco CA [19]
10000 {11} 2 Brad Poore (78) 30:54.32
May 11-12: New England Intercollegiate Division I Championships @ Storrs CT [19]
10000 {11} 15 Phil Tiller (77) 34:40.49
May 11-12: Seminole Twilight Meeting @ Tallahassee FL [19]
w3000SC {12} 2 Julia Downes (78) 12:18.99 [UKAT 12th]
May 11: Midwestern Collegiate Conference Championships @ Indianapolis (IUPUI) IN [19]
800 2 Dosanjh 1:53.14
1500 2 Dosanjh 4:01.62
3000SC 2 Paul Howarth (77) 9:34.89
w3000SC 1 Joslin 10:54.34
May 10-13: Southeastern Conference Championships @ Columbia SC [19]
800 {11} -h2 Chris Mulvaney (81) DNF
May 10-12: Conference USA Championships @ Tampa FL [19]
5000 {12} 7 Chris Birchall (79) 14:52.01, 12 Matt Plano (76) 15:13.14
10000 {10} 4 Birchall 31:26.23
3000SC {11} 5 Plano 9:21.92
wPV {11} 1 Clarke 3.80
May 6: Steve Scott Invitational [Men/Women] @ Irvine CA [18]
100 2r5 Graham Beasley (77) 10.74/0.0, 1r6 Jon Barbour (80) 10.38/-0.3, 6r6 Paul Brizzel (76, IRL) 10.68/-0.3, - Julian Golding (75) DNS, - Tony Jarrett (68) DNS
200 4r1 Danny Crates 23.82/-0.3, 1=r5 Brizzel (IRL) 20.86/+0.4, 4r5 Barbour 21.44/+0.4, 5r5 Beasley 21.46/+0.4, - Golding DNS
400 2r2 Crates 51.14
110H 1r2 Jarrett 13.72/+1.0
DT 3 Smith 58.76
w100 1r4 Sarah Wilhelmy (80) 11.44/+1.0 [UKAT 25th=], 3r4 Christine Bloomfield (68) 11.67/+0.4
w200 1r1 Catherine Murphy (75) 23.82/+0.9, 1r3 Bloomfield 23.77/+1.2
w400 1r3 Murphy 53.09, 5r3 Jo Fenn (74) 56.96
w800 2r3 Jeina Mitchell (75) 2:05.35, 4r3 Donna Fraser (72) 2:09.44
wPV 5cA Webber 3.68
May 5-6: Northeastern Conference Championships @ Baltimore MD [18]
800 {6} 4 Joe Daniels 1:57.36 (2h1 {5} 1:55.6)
May 5-6: Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association Championships @ Joplin MO [18]
1500 {6} 4 Paul Bennett (71) 4:00.77 (1h1 {5} 4:10.73)
5000 {6} 2 Bennett 15:29.03
May 5-6: Heptagonal Games Association Championships @ Princeton NJ [18]
800 {6} 3 McLean-Foreman 1:54.46 (2h2 {5} 1:51.04)
1600 Medley {6} 7 Harvard U (3rd leg McLean-Foreman) 3:23.56
May 5: Georgia Invitational @ Athens GA [18]
800 1r1 Tom Hopkins (82) 1:58.82
w400 2r4 Addo 55.40
w1500 5r1 Downes 4:50.86
May 5: America East Conference Championships [Men/Women] @ Dedham MA [18]
10000 10 Tiller 32:11.28
w800 2rA Felton 2:12.16
w1500 1 Felton 4:32.07
May 5: UTEP Twilight Invitational @ El Paso TX [18]
wPV 5 Allie Jessee (67, El Paso TC) 3.50A
May 5: Woodland Mortgage INUSATF Championships @ Indianapolis (IUPUI?) IN [18]
3000SC 5 Howarth 9:20.78
May 5: Quadrangular Match @ Lincoln NE [18]
w200 2= Livesey 24.6w?
wHJ 5 Livesey 1.74
wLJ 5 Livesey 5.83/+1.8
wJT 8 Livesey 31.77
May 5: Wisconsin Twilight Meeting @ Madison WI [20]
w5000 2 Butler 16:29.28
May 5: Southwest Missouri State University Queen City Invitational @ Springfield MO [18]
400 2 Lowthian 48.46
May 5: Triangular Match @ Tempe AZ [18]
w1500 3 Rutherford 4:29.13
May 4-5: Texas Invitational @ Austin TX [18]
100 {5} 1r1 Darren Campbell (73) 10.16/+1.3, 5r3 Jamie Baulch (73) 10.79/-0.7
200 {5} 1r1 Campbell 20.41/+1.7, 2r2 Baulch 20.93w/+2.6
400H {5} 3r1 Matt Elias (79) 50.51 [UKAT 32nd]
w200 {5} 1r1 Katharine Merry (74) 23.12/+1.0
wPV {5} 1 Clarke 4.00
May 4-5: Central Collegiate Conference Championships @ Kalamazoo MI [18]
1500 {5} 1 Kirk 3:52.41
May 4-5: Ohio Valley Conference Championships @ Murray KY [18]
w1500 {5} 4 Susie Anderson 4:38.83, 11 Lucy Hale (78) 5:02.78
May 4: Cardinal Invitational @ Stanford CA [18]
1500 10r1 Dosanjh 3:51.80
DT 1 Smith 60.38
w10000 4 Sanderson 34:25.78 [UKAT 65th]
w3000SC 6 Joslin 10:50.53
wPV 2= Hill 3.65
wDT 1 Roles 47.86
wHT 5 Lucy Marshall (81) 51.94 [UKAT 21st]
May 3-6: Big East Conference Championships @ Piscataway NJ [18]
5000 {6} 5 Sutton 14:22.06
Apr 28: Bearcat Classic @ Cincinnati OH [17]
w800 5 Anderson 2:18.39
w1500 2 Anderson 4:38.12
Apr 27: Cougar Invitational @ Pullman WA [17]
w5000 3 Draskau-Petersson 18:21.56
Apr 26: Cal State Fullerton Open Track and Field Meeting [Men/Women] @ Fullerton CA [23]
100 1r1 Marlon Devonish (76) 10.38/+0.8, 3r1 Tyrone Edgar (82) 10.57/+0.8, 5r1 Brizzel (IRL) 10.67/+0.8, 6r1 Mark Hylton (76) 10.68/+0.8
3r2 Beasley 10.89/+1.6, 5r2 Jared Deacon (75) 10.98/+1.6, 7r2 Chris Rawlinson (72) 11.16/+1.6, 1r3 Andrew Parker (80) 11.13w?
200 1r1 Devonish 21.01/+0.9, 2r1 Golding 21.04/+0.9, 4r1 Hylton 21.10/+0.9, 6r1 Barbour 21.47/+0.9, 7r1 Beasley 21.92/+0.9
1r2 Edgar 21.63/+1.9, 3r2 Deacon 21.91/+1.9, 4r2 Rawlinson 22.09/+1.9, 3r3 Martin Holgate (65) 22.84w?, 4r4 Crates 23.89w?
400 6r1 Holgate 50.03, 8r1 Crates 50.96
110H 1r1 Jarrett 13.62w/+2.8
400H 2 Richard McDonald (80) 52.56, 5 Olau Thomassen (80, Loughborough U/DEN) 55.14
w100 2r1 Marcia Richardson (72) 11.43/+1.7, 3r1 Joice Maduaka (73) 11.47/+1.7, 5r1 Murphy 11.67/+1.7, 7r1 Zoe Wilson (76) 11.98/+1.7
w200 1r1 Maduaka 23.33/+0.9, 2r1 Richardson 23.6e/+0.9 (other times/places in race 1 "lost")
w400 1r1 Blake 55.01, 5r1 Ruth Watson (79) 58.07
w800 3r1 Carolina Nylén (79, Loughborough U/SWE) 2:08.63
w400H 1 Nusrat Ceesay (81) 60.99, 2 Nicola Sanders (82) 61.54
wPV 1= Webber 3.96
Apr 25-28: Drake Relays @ Des Moines IA [17]
1500 {28} 4 Mulvaney 3:49.01, 10 Kirk 3:55.13
4x400 {27} 6h2 SIUC (1st leg Lowthian) 3:17.23
4x800 {27} 5rA UARK (3rd leg Mulvaney) 7:25.34, 12rA EMU (2nd leg Kirk) 7:34.07, 2rB CMSU (3rd leg Bennett (71)) 7:32.52
4x1M {27} 7 EMU (4th leg Kirk) 17:02.51
1600 Medley {28} 4r1 SIUC (3rd leg Lowthian) 3:24.23, 3r3 McNeese (4th leg Gow) 3:22.02
w400 {28} 2 Owusu 52.93 [UKAT 42nd]
w5000 {26} 1 Palmer 16:25.13, 4 Brooks 17:03.96
w4x100H {28} 2 UNL (2nd leg Livesey) 55.44 (1h4 {28} 56.76)
Apr 24-28: Penn Relays @ Philadelphia PA [17]
100 {28} 2rA Mark Lewis-Francis (82, Nike) 10.13/+1.1
5000 {26} 9rA G. Reid 14:04.46
5000 {27} - Noad DNS, - Peter Riley (79) DNS
10000 {26} 17 Birchall 30:28.67
10000 {27} - Campbell DNS, - Riley DNS
4x1M {28} 8 Providence College (3rd leg Sutton) 16:31.07
4000 Medley {27} 1rA St. Malachy's, Belfast Old Boys 9:48.34
w1M {28} 8 Thornal 4:43.91
w5000 {27} 2 Berry 16:05.88
Apr 21: Harvard v Yale @ Allston MA [16]
800 1 McLean-Foreman 1:53.79
1500 1 McLean-Foreman 3:53.53
Apr 21: Triangular Match @ Bloomington IN [16]
1500 10 Kirk 4:06.13
Apr 21: Woody Wilson Invitational @ Davis CA [16]
5000 6 Poore 15:02.19
Apr 21: Husky Invitational @ Dedham MA [16]
10000 2 Tiller 32:21.0
Apr 21: Florida Twi-Light Invitational @ Gainesville FL [17]
100 5r3 Julian Golley (71) 11.52/-1.5, 6r3 Wayne Hay (80) 11.63/-1.5
110H 3r2 Dwayne Stoddart (80) 14.96/0.0, 5r2 John Heanley (80) 15.85/0.0
400H 5r2 Drew Hall (81) 56.69
LJ 7 Golley 7.05/+1.6, 10 Heanley 6.91/-0.5, 14 Hay 5.42/-0.4
TJ 5 Mike Murray (79) 14.44/1.0
w100 1r2 Jenny Meadows (81) 11.94/+1.1, 2r2 Kelly Thomas (81) 11.99/+1.1, 4r2 Karlene Palmer (80) 12.38/+1.1
w200 2r2 Meadows 23.92w/+3.3, 5r2 Thomas 24.57w/+3.3, 6r2 Palmer 25.00w/+3.3
w400 6r1 Melanie Purkiss (79) 54.38
w5000 - Downes DNF
wLJ 4 Charmaine Turner (81) 5.19w/+2.5
Apr 21: Dual Meeting @ Lake Charles LA [16]
800 1 Gow 1:53.79
w1500 6 Rachel Duckham 5:14.67
Apr 21: Long Beach State Invitational @ Long Beach CA [16]
100 2r2 Edgar 11.02/-1.5, 6r3 Neil Owen (73) 11.56/-0.6, 1=r6 Mensah Elliott (76) 11.18/+0.7
400 1r4 Crates 50.32
3000SC 3 Howarth 9:35.89
110H 3r1 Elliott 14.33/-3.1, 6r1 Owen 14.67/-3.1
400H 6r1 Thomassen (DEN) 55.45
PV 5= Ian Tullett (69) 5.07, 16 Egryn Jones (71) 4.47
w200 1r1 Lisa Miller (83) 24.58/+1.1, 8r1 Watson 26.02/+1.1, 6r2 Nylén (SWE) 26.54/-2.0
w400 8r1 Sanders 57.07, 1r2 Nylén (SWE) 56.87, 7r2 Ceesay 59.06
w1500 2r1 Joslin 4:42.19
w400H 1r1 Maiteland Marks (76, Loughborough U/USA) 58.76, 4r1 Michelle Carey (81, Loughborough U/IRL) NTT (<61.5)
Apr 20-22: Mount San Antonio College Relays @ Walnut CA [19]
100 {22} 1rB1 Bignall 10.30/+0.6, 2rB1 Devonish (Stellar All-Stars) 10.32/+0.6, -rB2 Ian Mackie (75) DNS,
3rC1 Jonathan Oparka (80) 10.77/+0.5, -rC1 John Skeete (78, suspended) DNS, -rC4 Owusu Dako (73) DNS, -rC4 Dougie Walker (73) DNS
200 {22} -rA Walker DNS, -rB3 Mackie DNS, 2rB4 Devonish 20.67w/+3.2
400 {22} 4rB Deacon 46.56
1500 {21} -r2 Dosanjh DNS/DNF?, 4r3 Matt Davies (71) 3:51.45, 6r4 Mulvaney 3:49.07
5000 {20} 16rB1 Howarth 14:40.87
10000 {20} 11rA Sutton 29:10.98
400H {22} -rB2 McDonald DNS, 6rB3 Charles Robertson-Adams (77) 52.41
HS-HJ {21} 1cA Chuka Enih-Snell (84) 2.18 [UKAT 30th=, UKAT-J 10th=]
PV {21} - Flint (78) DNS, - Christian Linskey (80) DNS, - Tullett DNS
PV {22} - Buckfield DNS, - Williamson DNS
SP {22} 11cB Bruce Robb (77) 15.94
DT {21} 9 Robb 52.24
4x100 {22} -rA Management Plus DNS, -rA Scotland DNS, -rA Stellar All-Stars - DNS
w100 {22} 2rB2 Shani Anderson (75) 11.40/+1.7, 3rB2 Murphy 11.48/+1.7 [UKAT 30th=],
1rC2 Richardson 11.70/-0.3, -rC2 Susan Burnside (80) DNS, 1rC3 Diane Allahgreen (75) 11.91/-1.2
w200 {22} 6rA Murphy 23.65w/+2.2, -rB1 Burnside DNS, -rB4 Anderson DNS, -rB4 Allison Curbishley (76) DNS
w300 {22} 3 Sinead Dudgeon (76) 37.08 [UKAT 13th], - Donna Fraser (72) DNS
w400 {21} -r2 Mary McClung (71) DNS, -r3 Dudgeon DNS, -r4 Lee McConnell (78) DNS
w400 {22} - Curbishley DNS
w800 {22} - McClung DNS
wHS800 {21} 3r1 Barbara Parker (82) 2:14.55
w1500 {21} -r5 Felton DNS/DNF?
w5000 {20) -rA Kathy Butler (73, New Balance TC) DNS, 2rB Palmer 16:22.91, 5rB Rutherford 16:31.73 [UKAT-U23 27th]
w10000 {20} 1rA Butler 31:59.27 [UKAT 7th]
w3000SC {20} 5r1 Joslin 10:21.21 [UKAT 2nd, COMAT 7th, EURAT-U23 6th]
w100H {22} 1rB Allahgreen 13.14/+0.4, 1rC3 Allahgreen 13.45/-1.4
w400H {22} 1rA Danvers 55.95, -rB3 Dudgeon DNS
wHJ {21} 1 Aileen Wilson (84) 1.73
wHJ {22} -cA McConnell DNS
wPV {21} 21= Webber 3.66, - Jessee DNS
wPV {22} - Clarke NHC
wJT {22} - Lorna Jackson (74) DNS
w4x100 {22} 2rA Management Plus (included Anderson & Richardson) 44.25
w4x400 {22} 3rA Management Plus (1st leg Miller, 3rd leg Anderson) 3:34.64,
5rA Scotland/Edinburgh Woollen Mill (Carey Easton (79), Curbishley, McClung, Dudgeon) 3:35.55 [SCO Club Rec]
Apr 20-21: Vanderbilt Commodore Invitational @ Nashville TN [16]
w1500 {20} 8r2 Hale 5:05.59
Apr 20-21: Trans America Athletic Conference Championships @ Orlando FL [16]
1500 {21} 2 Green 3:51.27
5000 {21} 1 Green 15:40.28
10000 {20} 1 Green 32:18.62
Apr 20-21: Michael Johnson/Southwestern Bell Classic @ Waco TX [16]
PV {21} 10 Mike Edwards (68) 4.90
w5000 {21} 2 Sanderson 17:05.79
wPV {21} 5 Jessee 3.50
Apr 20: Pelluer Invitational @ Cheney WA [16]
w5000 4 Draskau-Petersson 18:34.33
Apr 20: Pomona-Pitzer Invitational @ Claremont (P) CA [16]
3000SC - Howarth DNS
w100 2r1 Anderson 11.45w/+3.2
w400 3r1 Blake 54.35
w800 6r1 Felton 2:09.80, - Bev Blakeman (74) DNS/DNF?
Apr 20: Marquette Invitational @ Milwaukee WI [16]
1500 3 Birchall 3:58.95
Apr 20: Central Missouri State University Mule Relays @ Warrensburg MO [16]
800 4r6 Bennett 1:56.93
1500 3r3 Bennett 3:57.58
Apr 19-21: Southern Conference Championships @ Lexington VA [16]
w200 {21} 5 Addo 25.21/+1.8 (2h3 {20} 24.81/+0.6)
w400 {21} 1 Addo 55.19 (1h1 {20} 55.46)
Apr 19-20: Mount San Antonio College Relays Multi Events @ Azusa CA [18]
Dec - Jamie Quarry (72) DNF (11.14w/+2.3,NDR,13.80,1.82,DNF,14.51w?,38.75,DNS)
Apr 18-21: Kansas Relays @ Lawrence KS [33]
1M {21} - Ben Reese (76, Athenian Athletics) DNS/DNF?
w100 {21} 5 Owusu 12.04/+0.3
w200 {21} 6 Owusu 23.93/+1.8 [UKAT 97th=]
w1500 {21} - Brooks DNS
w3000 {21} 2 Brooks 9:47.82
Candace Mason wHept {18/19} 1 Livesey 5385 [UKAT 36th] (1H?-14.2w/+2.6,1H-1.75,4H-10.33,1H?-24.6/+1.1,5.69w/+3.2,31.28,2:18.67)
Apr 14: LSU Alumni Gold Meeting @ Baton Rouge LA [15]
wPV 1 Clarke 3.80
Apr 14: Division II Challenge @ Emporia KS [15]
5000 1 Bennett 15:10.66
Apr 14: Dual Meeting @ Eugene OR [15]
w3000 3 Palmer 9:47.63
Apr 14: John McDonnell Invitational @ Fayetteville AR [15]
400 7(overall) Lowthian 48.94
w3000 4 Sanderson 10:00.74
Apr 14: Eric Loeschner Memorial Co-ed Invitational @ Fitchburg MA [15]
5000 16 Damon Abanto 17:26.05
3000SC 1 Abanto 10:33.09
Apr 14: Triangular Match @ Los Angeles (Ww) CA [15]
w400 7 Katherine Livesey (79) 57.21
wHJ 6 Livesey 1.70
Apr 14: Lee Calhoun Invitational @ Monmouth IL (from DePaul rankings) [18]
5000 ? Birchall 14:58.4
Apr 14: Harvard & Yale v Oxford & Cambridge [Men/Women] @ New Haven CT [15]
All athletes from Oxford & Cambridge U - wind readings not reported although marks imply wind over legal limit
Team Harvard & Yale 10, Oxford & Cambridge 9
100 1 Finlay Wright (81) 10.84, 2 Rob Harle (79) 10.92
200 1 Harle 22.20, 3 Yasser Bakki 22.27
400 3 Nick Hamilton (81) 50.38, 4 Andy French (79) 51.62
800 2 Andrew Baddeley (82) 1:53.93, 3 Jeremy Bradley (77) 1:59.34
1500 1 Phil Tedd (76) 4:19.45, 4 Charlie Boddam-Whetham (78) 4:28.14
5000 3 Nick Talbot (77) 15:34.21
3000SC 1 Talbot 9:14.42, 3 Simon Wurr (77) 9:37.93
110H 3 Jon Crawshaw (81) 15.57, 4 Chin Nwokoro (77) 15.80, 5 Adrian Hemery (82, guest) 16.13
400H 1 Chris Sleeman (80) 53.37, 4 Gavin Hodgson (78) 56.47
HJ 3 Simon Thomas (81) 1.85, 4 Hemery 1.75
PV 1 Tom Richards (78) 4.70
LJ 3 Hemery 6.57, 4 Grant Stirling 6.33
TJ 1 Adam Ireland (78) 13.99, 2 Rob Heaton (81) 13.98, - Stirling (guest) NDR
SP 3 Graeme Mackay (80) 10.41, - Pierre Faber (72, RSA-guest) NDR
DT 3 John Moreland (58, guest) 43.82, 5 Hemery 36.12, 6 Mackay 31.54
HT 1 Mackay 51.36
JT 2 Steve Melber (79) 57.54, 4 David Harding (80) 54.18
4x100 1 Oxford & Cambridge U 41.78
4x400 2 Oxford & Cambridge U 3:20.00
wTeam Harvard & Yale 13, Oxford & Cambridge 4
w100 3 Lucy Stockbridge 12.36, 4 Rosie Curling (80) 12.95
w200 3 Stockbridge 26.13, 4 Jacqueline Guyt 27.34
w400 3 Katy Taylor 61.74, 4 Anna Guthrie 63.84
w800 2 Tommy Kemp (80) 2:17.46, 4 Emilie Giles 2:26.39
w1500 1 Kelley Wilder (71, USA) 4:34.17, 3 Kemp 4:35.37
w3000 1 Wilder (USA) 9:54.85, 3 Lucy Hasell 10:08.59, 5 Bethan Hopewell (guest) 10:46.92, 6 Emily Ferenczi (guest) 11:18.73
w100H 3 Taylor 15.74, 4 Anne-Marie Harling 15.95
w400H 3 Rebecca Wright (77, guest) 66.87, 4 Liz Fox (80) 69.87, 5 Jemma Wayne 71.97
wHJ 1 Judith Payne (80) 1.73, 3 Ailsa Wallace (77) 1.58
wLJ 1 Curling 5.77, 4 Siobhan Dennehy (82) 5.31
wTJ 3 Wallace 10.62, 4 Payne (guest) 9.94, 5 Curling 9.84
wSP 3 Taylor 10.21, 4 Jennifer Duff 10.13
wDT 2 Duff 31.42
wHT 3 Margaret Faber (68, USA-guest) 43.10, 4 Maysoon Elkhawad (77) 41.40, 5 Ellen Migo 33.14
wJT 3 Dennehy 27.20
w4x100 2 Oxford & Cambridge U 51.02
w4x400 2 Oxford & Cambridge U 4:10.15
Apr 14: Miami University Invitational @ Oxford OH [15]
w3000SC 4 Joslin 11:15.17
Apr 14: Brown Invitational @ Providence RI [16]
5000 8 Tiller 16:00.13
Apr 14: Triangular Match @ Pullman WA [15]
w5000 3 Draskau-Petersson 18:10.95
Apr 14: Jace Lacoste Invitational @ Starkville MS [33]
800 3r1 Gow 1:53.95
w1500 4 Bolton 4:51.51, 5 Duckham 5:11.43
Apr 14: Florida State University Quadrangular Match @ Tallahassee FL [17]
100 1r1 Lewis-Francis 10.12/-1.3, 2r1 Nathan Morgan (78) 10.43/-1.3 [UKAT 68th=], 4r2 Chris Tomlinson (81) 10.98w?
200 6r2 Paul Whitehouse (83) 22.72w?
LJ 1 Tomlinson 7.75/-0.7 [UKAT 27th=], 7 Leigh Smith (82) 6.76/-0.1, 10 Chris Gunn (82) 5.44w?
w100 5r1 Ann Danson (71) 12.28w?
w200 5r1 Julie Hollman (77) 24.86/-0.9, 4r2 Nicola Gautier (78) 25.86w?
wHJ 1 Hollman 1.73, 5 Gautier 1.53
wLJ 1 Danson 6.05/0.0
wTJ 1 Debbie Rowe (72) 12.52/-1.0, 3 Rebecca Bates (82) 11.65/-1.1, 4 Linsi Robinson (84) 11.51/-1.9
wSP 1 Gautier 14.42, 5 Hollman 12.06
Apr 13-14: Azusa Pacific Meet of Champions [Men/Women] @ Azusa CA [16]
200 {14} 2r2 Rawlinson 21.67w/+2.4
400H {14} 2r1 Robertson-Adams 53.18
HJ {14} 2 Enih-Snell 2.02
PV {14} 2 Linskey 5.20 [UKAT-U23 14th=], 5 Tullett 5.05, 12= Jones 4.60
w100 {14} 3r1 Vernicha James (84) 11.43w/+3.4, 5r1 Anderson 11.58w/+3.4, -r1 Murphy DNS
w200 {14} 2r1 Anderson 23.42w/+3.6, -r1 Murphy DNS, 1r2 James 23.61w/+3.1
w400 {14} 2r1 Marks (USA) 53.65, 3r1 Carey (IRL) 55.35
w800 {14} 6r1 Parker 2:16.25
w100H {14} 1r1 Wilson 14.69w?
wHJ {14} - Wilson DNS
Apr 13-14: ShoeSpring / Audiovox Invitational @ El Paso TX [15]
PV {14} 1 Buckfield 5.75A, 2 Williamson 5.30A, 7= Flint 5.05A
wPV {14} 1 Webber 4.00A, 7 Jessee 3.60A
Apr 11-14: Sea Ray Relays @ Knoxville TN [15]
800 {13} 5r5 Dosanjh 1:52.56
1500 {13} 4r2 Kirk 3:50.79, 11r3 Hopkins 3:56.67
5000 {12} 2 Green 14:14.38, 15 Howarth 14:57.73
400 {13} 2r5 Addo 55.52
w3000 {12} 1 Berry 9:21.89
w3000SC {13} - Joslin DNS
Apr 8: Gator Women's Track & Field Challenge @ Gainesville FL [14]
w1500 - Amelia Griffith (76) DNF
Apr 8: Penn Invitational @ Philadelphia PA [15]
All athletes from Oxford & Cambridge U - wind readings not reported - only overall positions known - no team scores
100 6 Wright 11.20, 8 Harle 11.23, 22 Adrian Chapple 11.73
200 3 Bakki 22.27, 17 French 23.08
400 5 Hamilton 49.49, 10 French 50.23
800 2 Tedd 1:54.30, 6 Boddam-Whetham 1:55.63
1500 1 Baddeley 3:52.15, 2 Bradley 3:54.02
5000 6 Talbot 14:46.51, - Corrin Hughes DNF
3000SC 1 Talbot 9:25.3, 2 Wurr 9:36.0
110H 6 Hemery 16.04, 7 Crawshaw 16.10
400H 1 Sleeman 53.86
PV 1 Richards 4.95
LJ 9= Hemery 6.31, 13 Stirling 6.01
TJ 4 Ireland 13.82, 6 Heaton 13.32, - Stirling NDR
DT 2 Moreland 45.24, 13 Mackay 26.20
HT 3 Mackay 50.40
JT 3 Melber 59.34, 7 Ben Lloyd (79) 55.34, 8 Harding 54.52
4x100 2 Oxford & Cambridge U 41.5
4x400 5 Oxford & Cambridge U 3:19.2, 9 Oxford & Cambridge U "B" 3:24.9
w100 5 Curling 13.02, 12 Guyt 13.25
w200 13 Taylor 27.30, 15 Guyt 27.37
w400 16 Wright 62.21
w800 2 Kemp 2:10.52, 16 Guthrie 2:19.90
w1500 2 Wilder (USA) 4:33.68, 10 Giles 4:47.40, 19 Hopewell 4:55.94
w5000 1 Hasell 17:24.2, 7 Ferenczi 18:24.6
w100H 12 Taylor 16.12, 14 Harling 16.26
w400H 5 Fox 68.69, 9 Harling 70.09, 12 Wayne 73.20
wHJ 3 Payne 1.63, 4= Wallace 1.58
wLJ 3 Curling 5.35, 18 Payne 4.60
wTJ 9 Curling 10.68, 15 Wallace 10.22, 18 Payne 9.76
wSP 17 Taylor 10.03, 18 Duff 9.62, 22 Dennehy 8.66
wDT 16 Duff 30.78
wHT 7 Elkhawad 40.72, 20 Migo 31.40
wJT 13 Dennehy 29.38
w4x100 4 Oxford & Cambridge U 49.7
w4x400 4 Oxford & Cambridge U 4:08.4
w4x800 - Oxford & Cambridge U 9:36.6 (presume disqualified after finishing 2nd)
Apr 7: Terrapin Invitational @ College Park MD [15]
All athletes from Royal Navy
Team 1 U of Delaware 149, 2 U of Maryland 147, 3 Temple U 96, 4 American U 70, 5 Howard U 68, 6 Royal Navy 27, 7 George Mason U 16
400 6r2 Al Houghton 54.01
800 2r2 Micky Breed 2:02.12, 5r3 Andy Card 2:09.41
1500 6r1 Al Jones 4:03.79
5000 9 John Potts 15:57.62, 13 Pete Belcher 16:32.94
3000SC 6 Graeme Riley 10:49.95
400H 6r1 Neil Edwards 57.87, 5r2 John Cole 61.94
HJ 2= Jon Roberts (77) 1.85, 4 Dale Howard 1.75
LJ 9 James Buttle 5.48w/+2.5, 10 Jim Batchelor 5.44/0.0
TJ 4 Batchelor 11.46/-0.3
SP 5 Glyn Mortley 10.71
DT 7 Mortley 31.91
HT 8 Paul Winton (guest) 22.34
4x400 7 Royal Navy 3:46.07
wTeam 1 U of Maryland 293, 2 Temple U 102, 3 U of Delaware 94, 4 Howard U 65, 5 American U 52, 6 George Mason U 30, 7 Royal Navy 26
w100 2r2 Zoe Hambly 13.61w/+2.3
w200 1r3 Hambly 28.15w?
w400 6r2 Helen Smith 64.96, 2r3 Nikki Stopforth 66.80
w800 1r3 Linda Lawrence 2:30.92, 3r3 Heidi Martin 2:37.69, 4r3 Mel Bocking 2:38.45
w3000 5 Kelly Wharton 10:55.78
w400H 2r2 Laurie Evans 73.90
wHJ 4 Anna McNeice 1.47
wDT 3 Julie Robin (77) 37.85
wJT 8 Helen Roe 27.66
w4x400 4 Royal Navy 4:32.83
Apr 7: Euler State Farm Emporia State University Relays @ Emporia KS [15]
w100H 5 Livesey 15.11/-2.8 (2h4 14.87w/+2.8)
wLJ 7 Livesey 5.52w
wSP 15 Livesey 10.49
wJT 18 Livesey 33.82
Apr 7: Tulane Invitational @ New Orleans LA [33]
800 4r1 Gow 1:54.48
w1500 5r1 Bolton 4:48.66, 3r2 Duckham 5:04.18
Apr 7: Dual Meeting @ Pullman WA [14]
w1500 2 Palmer 4:44.64
Apr 7: Seven Way Meeting @ Storrs CT [14]
1500 3 Sutton 3:53.43
Apr 7: Troy State University Coach "O" Invitational @ Troy AL [15]
3000 1 Green 8:10.06 (won by over 34 secs)
Apr 6-7: Spec Towns Invitational @ Athens GA [14]
wPV {7} 2 Emma Hornby (73) 3.52, 4 Hilary Smith (76) 3.37
Apr 6-7: All Sport Classic @ Cape Girardeau MO [14]
400 {?} 2 Lowthian 48.00
Apr 6-7: Missouri Relays @ Columbia MO [14]
1500 {7} 7 Bennett 4:01.09
Apr 6-7: Duke Invitational [Men/Women] @ Durham NC [14]
w200 {7} 5r3 Addo 25.58/-1.4
w400 {7} 6r2 Addo 55.48
w1500 {7} 2rA1 Felton 4:18.72, 3rA3 Anderson 4:37.61, 12rB1 Downes 5:04.22
Apr 6-7: Colonial Relays @ Williamsburg VA [14]
1500 {6} 8r1 G. Reid 3:57.67
Apr 4-7: Texas Relays @ Austin TX [14]
4x800 {5} 3 UARK (2nd leg Mulvaney) 7:29.26
w5000 {6} 4 Sanderson 17:13.21
wPV {6} 4 Clarke 4.10
Mar 31-Apr 1: Stanford Invitational [Saturday/Sunday] @ Stanford CA [14]
5000 {31} 5r2 G. Reid 14:12.35
10000 {31} 74(overall) Poore 31:13.43
w1500 {1} 27(overall in morning races) Draskau-Petersson 4:49.66
w10000 {31} 43(overall) Draskau-Petersson 37:05.27
Mar 31: Cedarville University Open Meeting @ Cedarville OH [13]
w1500 2r1 Anderson 4:43.10
Mar 31: Nine Way Meeting @ Cincinnati OH [13]
1500 2(overall) Dosanjh 3:54.92, 5(overall) Howarth 3:58.02
w3000SC 3 Joslin 11:10.37 [UKAT 5th]
Mar 31: Maryland Invitational @ College Park MD [15]
Athletes from Royal Navy unless stated otherwise - wind readings not reported
5000 2 Tiller (NEU) 15:29.03
wTeam 1 U of Maryland 273, 2 US Navy 242, 3 Northeastern U 95, 4 Morgan State U 33, 5 American U 24, 6 U of Maryland, Baltimore County 18, 7 Royal Navy 16
w100 4r2 Hambly 13.66
w200 4r3 Hambly 28.69, 7r3 Stopforth 30.49
w400 5r2 Stopforth 68.83, 2r3 Smith 64.53, 3r3 Bocking 65.74
w800 3r3 Lawrence 2:37.18, 5r3 Martin 2:43.47, 7r3 Bocking 2:45.75
w1500 3r2 Wharton 5:19.46
w3000 6 Wharton 11:04.83
w100H 2r2 Evans 20.09, 3r2 Roe 20.15
w400H 3r2 Smith 77.59, 4r2 Evans 78.73
wHJ 4 McNeice 1.41, 8 Roe 1.25
wLJ 10 Smith 4.01, - Stopforth NDR
wTJ - Roe NDR
wSP 14 Robin 9.38
wDT 9 Robin 23.32
wHT 8 Robin 21.97
wJT 10 Roe 24.54
w4x100 5 Royal Navy 56.24
w4x400 6 Royal Navy 4:38.83
Mar 31: Tom Tellez Invitational @ Houston (TT) TX [13]
wPV - Clarke NHC
Mar 31: Truman State Open @ Kirksville MO [13]
1500 2r5 Bennett 4:04.41
Mar 31: University of Nebraska-Omaha Invitational @ Omaha NE [14]
w200 3 Livesey 25.85w
w100H 1 Livesey 14.85w/+3.2
wLJ 5 Livesey 5.18w
Mar 30-31: Rice Bayou Classic @ Houston (R) TX [13]
800 {31} - McLean-Foreman DNF
1500 {31} 2 McLean-Foreman 3:54.33
Mar 30-31: Raleigh Relays @ Raleigh NC [13]
5000 {30} 5r1 Sutton 14:10.51, 7r1 Campbell 14:13.30, 9r1 Green 14:17.22
Mar 28-31: Florida Relays @ Gainesville FL [13]
4x1500 {30} 4 DePaul U (1st leg Plano, 3rd leg Birchall) 16:55.89
w400 {31} 8 Addo 55.08
w1500 {30} - Sarah Davey (78) & Downes DNS
Mar 24: Southern Illinois University Collegiate Series Track and Field Meeting @ Carbondale IL [12]
200 4r2 Lowthian 22.38
400 2 Lowthian 48.95
Mar 24: Clemson Relays @ Clemson SC [13]
w4x1500 1 Butler U (Joslin) 19:15.74
w4000 Medley 1 Butler U (Joslin) 12:22.26
Mar 24: Oklahoma State University Duals @ Stillwater OK [13]
w3000 1 Sanderson 10:13.16
Mar 24: Monmouth University Opener @ West Long Branch NJ [15]
1500 13r1 Daniels 4:25.77
10000 2 G. Reid 32:34.20
Mar 22-25: Alabama Relays [Men/Women] @ Tuscaloosa AL [12]
800 {24} 3r2 Kirk 1:52.37
1500 {24} 3r1 Green 3:49.67
4x1500 {25} 4 DePaul U (1st leg Birchall) 16:29.03
Mar 21-24: Florida State University Relays @ Tallahassee FL [12]
5000 {23} 12 Tiller 15:32.63
w1500 {23} 11r1 Downes 4:58.08 (or 3r1 4:44.48 ?)
Mar 21-24: Baldy Castillo Invitational @ Tempe AZ [12]
w5000 {23} 2 Rutherford 17:04.07
Mar 17: Cal Pac-10 Quadrangular Match @ Berkeley CA [11]
w1500 4 Palmer 4:38.25
Mar 17: Western Carolina Invitational @ Cullowhee NC [11]
w800 2r1 Addo 2:13.16
Mar 16-17: Auburn Springtime Invitational @ Auburn AL [12]
1500 {17} 1r1 Green 3:50.28
3000 {17} 1r1 Green 8:25.50
Mar 16-17: Snowbird Invitational @ Tallahassee FL [11]
400 {17} 5r1 Lowthian 49.38
w1500 {17} 13r1 Downes 4:54.72
Mar 10: Marshall University Open @ Huntington WV [10]
w800 2 Anderson 2:21.23
w1500 1r1 Anderson 4:47.44
Mar 10: University of New Orleans Invitational @ New Orleans LA [12]
800 1r2 Green 1:55.63
1500 1r1 Green 3:53.47
Mar 10: CCAA North Track Meeting II @ San Francisco CA (from NCAA II Qualifier lists) [16]
5000 ? Poore 14:49.27
Mar 3: Albany State University Invitational @ Albany GA [12]
800 1 Green 1:56.25
1500 1 Green 3:59.39
Mar 3: Masters Inn Jacksonville University Invitational @ Jacksonville FL [9]
w1500 5r1 Davey 4:50.50, 9r1 Downes 4:56.10
Feb 3: Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Alumni Meeting @ Claremont (C) CA [14]
w100 1 Jennifer Culley (75, CMS Alumni) 12.47
w300 1 Culley 38.22
© Athletics Weekly 2001